Thursday, January 9, 2014

RI Works Cited

Ariba LIVE 2013 Opening Performance. Prod. Pilobolus Creative Services. PilobolusDance. YouTube, 24 May 2013. Web. 23 Dec. 2013.
  • A unique production by the Pilobolus Dance Theatre Company, this source provided me with great insight into the potential of shadows in theatre and storytelling. From this source, I particularly took inspiration regarding smooth lighting and mood transitions during a shadow performance. It also provided me with the ideas of utilizing multiple smaller lights to create a contrasting effect to the shadows, which shaped much of my research investigation.

Bear, B. E. "Some Advice on Stage Lighting." The Strand Archive. The Strand Archive, Sept. 1966. Web. 14 Nov. 2013.
  • Although this source provides great information regarding specific lighting techniques, such as the effects different intensities of light have to offer and the importance of keeping the audience's condition in mind while designing lights, the age of this piece draws away from its credibility. There is the unfortunate chance that this source is outdated, despite its sound information.

Blood, Melanie. "Lighting Design." Lighting Design. State University of New York Geneseo, 2012. Web. 16 Dec. 2013.
  • This source was fundamental for my research investigation. Its review of basic lighting concepts such as color, intensity, direction, and movement greatly helped to form my own ideas regarding Metamorphoses whereas more specific vocabulary provided me with the knowledge of lighting design I needed in order to compose a professional report. The examples of lighting available on the site, although not relevant to contemporary shadow theatre, allowed me to see how lighting can change the mood of a scene and the importance of using lighting to enhance the acting rather than hinder it. This source is credible, as it is from a series of lecture notes from the State University of New York Geneseo, and also relevant as it is from 2012.

Ghosts of the River. By Octavio Solís. Dir. Larry Reed. ShadowLight Productions, 2013. DVD.
  • This source provided great insight into the use of shadows in storytelling. It provided key reminders that shadows should not be a distraction to the story, and provided techniques regarding smooth transitions from one scene to another using multiple projectors and premade sets. This source also contributed techniques regarding the use of both shadows and real actors simultaneously in a scene. Although this source took much of its information from traditional shadow theatre, such as Balinese and Chinese theatre, I found that the techniques regarding the use of projectors, lighting, and storytelling remain relevant in contemporary shadow theatre as well. This source is highly credible, as it is a recent educational DVD produced by a well-known theatre company, and the producers traveled throughout the world to explore shadow theatre techniques directly from the source.

Lord, William H. Stagecraft 1: A Complete Guide to Backstage Work. Colorado Springs, Colo: Meriwether Pub., 1991. Print.
Pe'er, Oriel. The Umbrella Project. Digital image. Pilobolus Blog. Pilobolus Dance Theatre, Sept. 2013. Web. 5 Jan. 2014.
Reid, Francis. The Stage Lighting Handbook. London: A&C Black, 1992. Print.
Salzberg, Jeffery, and Judy Kupferman. "Stage Lighting for Students." Stage Lighting for Students. Stage Lighting Primer, Nov. 2012. Web. 23 Dec. 2013.

Sayer, Rob. "Lighting & Shadow." On Stage Lighting. On Stage Lighting, 3 Dec. 2008. Web. 28 Oct. 2013.
  • Although basic in its nature, this source provided a simple beginner's guide regarding the use of shadow in lighting. It dispersed common myths about shadows, such as the idea that more light will be able to erase shadows, while also introducing techniques on how to establish different intensities of shadows using different kinds of lights. This source is recent and credible, as the author has the credentials to back him up. Sayer is a renown man in technical production, having trained at the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School.

Sayer, Rob. "Stage Lighting Focus Guide." On Stage Lighting. On Stage Lighting, 16 Nov. 2012. Web. 28 Oct. 2013.

Shadowland. Dir. Jorge Delgadillo. Pilobolus Dance Theatre, 2013. Performance.
  • As the inspiration for this entire research investigation, Shadowland served me greatly as a source of ideas as well as references for lighting concepts and techniques. This production showed me much of how to utilize colors and lighting intensity in order to establish the mood of the story as well as how to use the two-dimensional world of shadows to its full potential.

"ShadowStage Productions." ShadowStage Productions - The UK's First Professional Company Dedicated to Contemporary Shadow Theatre Techniques. Shadow Stage Productions, 2013. Web. 4 Nov. 2013.
"Stage Lighting Guide." Stage Lighting Guide. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Nov. 2013.
The Wild Party. By John M. March. Dir. Larry Reed. ShadowLight Productions, 2008. DVD.
Williams, Bill. "Stage Lighting Design 101." Stage Lighting Design 101. N.p., 1999. Web. 16 Dec. 2013.
Zimmerman, Mary, David R. Slavitt, and Ovid. Metamorphoses: A Play. Evanston, IL: Northwestern UP, 2002. Print.

Research Updated Here (cannot reformat; every time I try, blogger crashes; lost a ton of information this way that I could not recopy from word document without it crashing)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sabrina, it looks like you have 15 sources from a variety of research forms. Your annotations are excellent as well. My concern is that you don't have any notes that you have taken which I was specifically looking for. Also, do you have notes on the lighting workshop and directing which I gave in class? Please let me know as the grades are going in.
