Thursday, January 24, 2013

January 25th, 2013 - Set and Lighting

Set Design
- The Proscenium Stage-Picture Frame
- 4th Wall
- Rake (tilted stage)
- Orchestra (between stage and audience)
- Fly Loft (air storage)
- Apron (front of stage)
- Pit
- Traps/Revolve/Slipstage (stage tricks)
- Cyclorama - (curtain you can project onto)
- Scrim (translucent-with-light curtain)
- Thrust Stage (juts into the audience)
- Arena Stage (surrounded by the audience)
- Black Box / Found Theatre Spaces

Metaphorical/Symbolic Set Design
- Universal Condition
- Capture the symbolic / kindle the universal subconscious by using a visual metaphor
- Levels of meaning to stimulate reflection

The Aesthetic / Harmonic
- Aesthetic expectations to meet
- Ambiance to reinforce mood or style of interpretation
- Artistic: what do you want the audience to see, what mood, what style?
- Subtle and not interfere or dominate the symbolic
- ex: color, size, texture, etc.

The Practical
- Elements of time and space
- Time pacing and rhythm of dramatic environment
- Interface between sculptural (static) and live movement of actors (kinetic)
- "The rhythm and pace of movement of actors can be influenced by the practical choice of designers"
- ex: size of step or position of door

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