My dream is that one day, the characters I create can be real to someone else.
After all, they are already real to me, so I can't help but hope that someone else - complete strangers to me - will one day love them as much as I do. I have written for five years now, and I've always written with one intent: to have the characters that are so real to me to be real to someone else as well.
I have wanted to complete writing a play, ever since my first Scriptwriting Frenzy attempt back in 2009. I never did succeed writing a 100 page play in 30 days, but it was the process that was memorable. I've imagined for a long time now what sheer satisfaction I would feel should I ever complete a work.
I think this IPP is the time for me to do so.
Though I was enjoying myself back then, I was also a child - I wrote for the fun of it, but I wasn't truly driven by passion, nor did I have any knowledge to aid me in the process. Now that I am a student of IBH Theatre, I have read several different plays, seen numerous different performances, and more than ever, I am passionate.
I want to write a play, put the ideas in my head down on paper, and have the characters I create live and die in a world of my creation.
I am a writer, after all.
It's what I do.
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